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Become a Carers NSW Carer Representative

Carer Representatives are specially trained volunteers who are part of the Carers NSW Carer Representation Program. These carers use their lived experience as family and friend carers to speak up for the needs of all carers in NSW.

Carers NSW Carer Representatives receive support to use and develop their skills in opportunities that interest them, such as:

  • participating in consultations and focus groups
  • providing feedback on services and resources
  • being a part of advisory groups and committees
  • sharing their story in publications and videos

All Carer Representative opportunities are opt-in and there is no expectation that Carer Representatives will participate in any activities that they are not comfortable with.

Carer Representatives are renumerated for time spent participating in Carer Representative opportunities and associated travel, unless agreed otherwise prior to participation.

Hear below from Tania, a Carers NSW Carer Representative, about her experience in the Carer Representation Program:

Join the Carer Representation Program

Carers who are interested in becoming a Carer Representative are required to submit an Expression of Interest Form and undertake Carer Representative Training.

Carer Representative Training includes a short e-learning course and two 90-minute online or in-person learning sessions.

Training includes modules on facts about carers, the roles and responsibilities of Carer Representatives, effective communication, sharing your story and engaging with media.

To register your interest for our next Carer Representative Training, which will be scheduled soon, please view the EOI link below:

For general inquiries or if you are interested in joining the program but are unable to attend our upcoming June 2024 Training session, please contact or phone Carers NSW and request to speak to the Carer Representation Program Officer.

Request a Carer Representative

If you would like to request a Carer Representative to participate in an event or activity, please email or phone Carers NSW.

A two week notice period is generally required and we ask that you consider whether remuneration can be provided to participating carers in recognition of their time, however we understand that in some instances this is not possible.

Carer Representatives balance their volunteer role with their caring responsibilities and other commitments such as paid work, so the availability of a suitable Carer Representative for a particular opportunity cannot be guaranteed.